About Medical XR:

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are both novel technologies allowing users to experience enhanced or virtual environments with the use of head-mounted displays. In VR a user wears a head-mounted display that allows complete immersion in a 3D world. Using controllers, objects may be picked up and manipulated in the same way an object would be in the real world. In AR the user has a transparent head-mounted display which overlays images and data onto the real world. Together, these two technologies are referred to as Extended Reality (XR), and they will open new avenues for the visualisation and analysis of data in the field of medicine.

Recent publications:

Current Projects


import 3D images | HTC Vive
Our latest project, works with 3D image data (e.g. ultrasound, CT, MRI, microscopy) allowing researchers and clinicians to interact with complex imaging modalities in new intuitive ways.


primary visual cortex
StrokeVR is showing promise in allowing researchers to probe damage to the visual processing area of the brain in stroke patients.


virtual training | hip replacement
Prior to total hip replacement, AescularVR can be used to plan operations in virtual reality. AescularVR can be used for any system that requires accurate registration of objects in 3D.


chronic breathlessness
Examining how the brain weights and combines different sensory inputs to create sensations of breathlessness.


chromatin 3D structure visualisation
3D genome browser and real time chromatin restraint-based modeller to visualise dynamic models of chromatin capture data.


This work has been funded by:

  • John Fell OUP Research Fund
  • Oxford IT Innovation Award
  • Medical Research Council (MRC)